Women in Politics series

Blog posts that are centred around women in Politics.

Unheard women in the feminist movement

Find out about 3 incredible women, all of whom influenced the first wave of feminism but are often ignored. It is time for these women’s stories to be explored and shared.

“I cannot say I became a suffragist. I always was one, from the time I was old enough to think at all about the principles of Representative Government.”

-Millicent Garrett Fawcett

The first female politicians

Women first entering the political sphere was an incredibly momentous occasion. Within the UK this no different. However, there is a twist…

“We women talk too much, but even then we don’t tell half what we know.”

-Nancy Astor

Who was the first feminist?

A question that is surrounded by debate and many theories. But who actually was the first English feminist?

“If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?”

-Mary Astell

Women in Politics- The Red Queen

Find out more about Barbara Castle and her influential journey within politics. Read more about the Red Queen of politics.

“In politics, guts is all”

-Barbara Castle

Was Thatcher a feminist?

One of the most controversial British political personalities. Thatcher was known for her incredible determination and heavy right wing views, leading to the birth of “Thatcherism”. But what she a feminist?

“If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

-Margaret Thatcher