Feminist book reviews

Book reviews, but with a feminist twist.

A review on “Woman’s inhumanity to woman”

An enthralling feminist text written by Phyllis Chesler. One that not only praises feminism, but also points out the many barriers that are integrated within the movement.

“For most women, being seen, having others pay attention to you, is imagined and experienced as more desirable and more powerful than commanding an army or seizing control of the means of production and reproduction.”

-Phyllis Chesler

A review on “The beauty myth”

A review on Wolf’s incredibly important text “The beauty myth”. One of the staple texts for the third wave of feminism, this book explores how the concept of beauty has controlled how we act and how we view ourselves. Wolf argues that it is time to elevate ourselves from the bonds of the beauty myth.

“She wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her.”

-Naomi Wolf

A review on “The Handmaid’s tale”

A review on Atwood’s famous novel. An incredibly important fiction text that is horrifying warning as to what our society has been and could be. Atwood equips post-modern tropes in order to help emphasise her message and her warning. A very clever and twisted novel.

“Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”

-Margaret Atwood

A review on “The Second Sex”

I reviewed one of the staples of feminist literature: “The Second Sex” by Simone De Beauvoir. This text has influenced feminist philosophy since it was published and is such an important text to read, even if you do not consider yourself a feminist. One of my favourite texts I’ve ever read and the namesake of this blog.

“The body is not a thing, it is a situation: it is our grasp on the world and our sketch of our project”

-Simone De Beauvoir