“The Second Sex” book review

De Beauvoir wrote this text in the 1940's, and she explored how women and men were unequal socially, economically and politically. At this time, women had a political voice thanks to being awarded the vote and it meant that many people believed that feminism was done, the fight was over. On the contrary, this was not true and De Beauvoir explored that.

The history of the ideal body type.

Last week I explored how diet culture has allowed patriarchal beliefs to become deeply ingrained into our society. I briefly touched on how diet culture shifts to match that of societies ideal body type. Therefore, I decided that today I am exploring how the "ideal body type" is an ever changing phenomenon. This week I will be focusing on the idolisation of certain female body types and I plan to write another post concerning male societal standards.

On eating problems

This weeks blog will be exploring a side of feminism that is often overlooked; how the patriarchy can lead to mental health issues. Evidently, the rise of social media has been a catalyst for many people, particularly teenagers, developing eating problems or even eating disorders. However, people are quick to blame social media but not the misogynistic structure that is interwoven into our screen time.

Can I support Trump and be a feminist?

This weeks blog will be focusing on one of the most controversial figures in modern politics: Donald Trump. At the time of writing this, Trump is coming to the end of his first term of presidency and the election is fast approaching. Trump is known for his incredibly controversial views, most of which are sexist, homophobic, transphobic and racist. This has led to a question that I hope to answer in this blog: Can I be a Trump supporter and a feminist?